The Sugarloaf Station Foundation's 16th Annual Fundraiser
Join the Sugarloaf Station Foundation for an afternoon of music and entertainment to support the youth of El Dorado County! Event includes apps and snacks, local adult beverages, silent and live auction, dessert auction, and more!
Drink/Raffle Tickets will be sold for $5 each, or five for $20.
Event Ticket includes entrance for 1 and one drink/raffle ticket.
$45 per person by September 1
$55 per person after September 1
$480 Group Package (Includes reserved table, two drink/raffle tickets for 8 guests, and sponsorship in the program. Covers the cost of one full scholarship.)
Purchase your tickets online at www.sugarloafstationfoundation.org through Brown Paper Tickets https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3586723. Guests should be at least 21 years old.
All proceeds go to the Sugarloaf Camp Trust Fund & Camper Scholarships.